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Women Should Be Treated with More Respect

Men, this is something I think you should read if you want women to respect you. Do you agree with this?

By Chandler SmithPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

So first things first is that women do need to be more respected. They work hard all of the time, whether it’s from home or at work, but they are always working and at work most of the time they are the ones that keep the men in check and remind us stuff that we need to remember. Also when they are at home the man rely on the women to clean the house and cook.

Also, another reason that women should be treated with more respect is that without women there would not be anybody on this earth because they are the ones that have to carry a human in them. They then go through intense pain to bring that person into the world and men could not do that because they can’t and they would be hurt and probably cry.

Another reason that women should be respected is because they have to deal with men.

A woman has to wake up every day to get ready for work and then they realize that work is hard, not because they can't do it but because men make it so much harder to work. It’s not that men are stupid, it’s just that they usually don't act before they think and that is why they are stupid. So, guys, I challenge you to really think about what you do before doing it and that might help.

The funny thing is usually men go to women to solve our problems. You want women to like you more and give them more respect, try and solve your own problems. Men always wonder why women don’t believe them or trust them. It’s because the men before you lied and broke her trust. She just thinks you’re going to do the same thing. You have to prove and tell her the truth, then she will trust you even if you did something stupid. The best thing for a man to do is admit to their mistakes.

How To Make a Woman Happy and Stay Happy with You

So I told the men that you have to own up to your mistakes, but now I have to give you guys advice on how to keep a woman happy with you. So one thing you just have to get is that you’re going to mess up. Women know this, but it's how you are when you do and also how often you mess up. If you truly did not mean to mess up, you have to show her. It might be hard for some of you but you can do it.

Another thing is when you surprise her or give her gifts. Yes, you should be doing this like once a month or whatever you do. Anyway, you should never give her gifts every time you want something. It's going to make her feel like she never gives you what you want, and if you do have to do that then she is not the person for you. You should give her gifts when she least expects it and try not to want anything when you do it so you can also spend time with her.

Men's biggest fear is letting women be the head of a company.

It’s like the biggest fear for man, letting women be the boss of them, let alone the CEO of the company. It’s probably because the men are so used to treating a woman like they are under the man and now they are equal to a man or are they? Well, there is one thing that men are forgetting is that women are usually smarter and we go to them to solve our problems. Also for years, they have been taking men’s shit and also cleaning up after them.

Why not let women have a chance to be the CEO or even a bigger job like being the president? Who knows, women could just be better at the job than men, or wait isn’t that what men don’t want? Well, sorry to tell you it’s going eventually happen whether you want it to or not, just like Obama was the first black president. It's just a matter of time. Now the question is, who will be the first woman president?

gender roles

About the Creator

Chandler Smith

You can't live life without a story so make one.

I have an Instagram @chandlersmith8828

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