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Tips for a Healthier and Happier Vagina

Women's Health, Basic Tips for a Healthier and Happier Vagina

By vincent ferdinandPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Vagina Health, Keeping Vagina Healthy. Photo Credit: Exotic Afrique

Feeling comfortable and healthy down there is not always easy, especially when you consider how incredibly normal many of the factors that affect the health and general well-being of your vulva and vagina are: exercise, sex, natural hormonal changes, clothing, and other causes. Aside from undoubtedly being one of the most sensitive body parts, inside the vagina, there is a unique community of protective bacteria.

Here are some of the best tips to conserve this essential intimate area of our bodies:

1. Be careful while cleaning it.

Your vagina, being one of the most sensitive parts of the body, has a delicate pH that cleans it naturally. It is not necessary to wash it internally with douching, for example. Wash the outside area and use vagina washing products that are respectful with your body, or just use warm water.

2. When your body speaks, get the message.

Be attentive to the signs that something isn't right somewhere. Abnormal bleeding, vaginal discharge, odor, stinging, and pain are symptoms of infection, such as vaginitis, or even sexually transmitted disease. Do not hesitate to go to your gynecologist if something is not right.

3. Go to your gynecologist more regularly.

It would be ideal for all women, from puberty, to visit a gynecologist to receive general information about vaginal health. When you are sexually active, or you are 21-years-old or older, you should have a cytology every two or three years to check for infection, abnormalities, or cervical cancer. No, it's not the cutest date on the calendar, but it's a painless and relatively quick test.

4. Does your vagina exercise?

Yes, you read it right. You've probably heard of the kegels, but do you practice them? It is a very healthy measure to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to maintain vaginal health, not to mention the advantages it has to enjoy better sexual relations and bladder control. Start exercising your pelvic floor today!

5. Use condoms.

Condoms not only protect your body from sexually transmitted diseases but also keep at bay other common vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis. Think beyond the prevention of pregnancy when choosing protection.

6. Let your body breathe.

Wearing tight clothing or fabrics that do not let the skin breathe, such as polyester, can create warm, humid areas that cause friction and irritation on your vulva. To avoid irritations or infections, wear loose and permeable clothes from natural fabrics whenever you can, such as cotton.

7. Urinate before and after sex.

Make it a habit to urinate before and after intercourse. Why? Peeing before and after sex helps prevent urinary tract infections, which appear when the germs in the vagina lodge in the urethra during intercourse. Also, ensure to clean your hands before and after sex to prevent the spread of bacteria.

We want to emphasize that you should go to the doctor if you have doubts about your sexual well-being. Remember that each and everyone is different: an activity, a product, a garment, or a sexual posture that suits one woman can cause problems for the other.


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