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One of the Guys

I Have More Guy Friends Than Girl Friends and I Am NOT a Slut

By NicolePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I think I speak for more than just myself when I say that I certainly get along better with guys my age as opposed to girls, and for some reason society sees that as a bad thing. I grew up in a neighborhood of all boys, so I had to put up or shut up, and that made me a little tougher. Because of that, I don't really have a filter and have an easier time talking to boys. However, if you see a girl surrounded by a group of guys, with one or two other girls, people tend to think "Oh, she's probably a slut." Even with guys being surrounded by girls, "Oh, he's probably gay, or is a man whore." Why is this okay? That's a trick question, because it's not okay. Making assumptions about people is what is creating the society we live in now.

I think I found out that I got along better with guys when I got to my first year of college. I definitely had more girl friends in high school, but once I got to college, I started swimming competitively and I was around guys all the time. It became normal, and I started developing relationships with them. It also didn't help that my two roommates, both girls might I add, hated me for no particular reason. I thought college was supposed to relieve me of all the petty drama, but turns out, IT'S WORSE. So I separated myself and learned to get rid of negative people. Most of which, happened to be girls. This was my first year of college. Now I'm in my third year of college, and my girl friends are dropping like flies. I'm filling the cracks with some of the guys I've known barely long enough to tell them I have anxiety, and I have felt my like my life has already become so much better than it was.

I've been gossiped about, I've had people take friends away from me, I've had my personal space violated by girls who thought they were better than me. This was frequently done to me because I always hanging out with the guys. I was called a flirt, or what my roommate calls it, a "serial dater." But the truth was all of my guy friends were so much easier to talk to then my girl friends. I would approach my best guy friend with personal issues, I don't have one girl in my life I feel comfortable crying in front of. Girls are catty, it's always a competition to be the best, and to have the best boyfriend yada yada yada. Like, sorry I don't want to be judged for having an OPINION. Point being, my life is so much better now that I have cut the bullshit, and this meant becoming closer with guys as opposed to girls.

So, if you haven't taken what you were supposed to from this reading, ladies, just because you have guy friends doesn't mean you're an attention whore. And guys, you might be perfectly straight, but would agree in saying I would rather hang out with people who aren't comparing their junk size with each other. Now, go tell your best friend you love them, boy or girl, and flip off the haters. I hope you enjoyed this, let me know if you made it this far.

gender roles

About the Creator


high school teacher, hippie, adventurer. a human, being

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