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Body Love

Falling in Love with... Me

By Carmen MarshallPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

I remember waking up one morning, wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and panties, my hair curly and wild from tossing and turning all night. My face was nude, with nothing covering up my slight blemishes and mild redness that forever colors my cheeks.

As I walked towards my bedroom door, I caught a glimpse of myself in my hanging mirror. Usually I would look at myself and grimace at the way I looked. I would immediately pick out all my flaws and groan in disgust, but not that morning. That morning something happened that I had never experienced before. I stood there looking at myself, but instead of hating what was there, I saw beauty in my natural, raw self. I didn't wince at the sight of my thick thighs or curves. I didn't sigh at the sight of my stretch marks and naked face. Rather, I stood there smiling at the way I felt when looking at my body. I had been trying to embrace my flaws in all their glory instead of comparing myself to the skinny bitches with the perfect bodies and skin. I had been trying to accept myself for all the curves, chub, and imperfections that made me who I was, and on this morning I felt it. For the first time, I felt love for myself and body. I loved my thick thighs and my love handles. I loved my nude face with nothing covering up or hiding my blemishes. I even loved my stretch marks that cover my boobs and thighs. For the first time, I had accepted myself completely and it felt amazing. On this morning, I gained not only love but a whole new level of confidence I had never experienced. I felt sexy and beautiful, and it didn't matter if anyone else felt the same. It didn't matter that I wasn't a size 2 or that I didn't have the "perfect" body, because to me I was absolutely beautiful, and that is what matters.

I have realized that other's opinions and perceptions of my body are irrelevant. It no longer bothers me if people don't embrace my body the way that I do. I have found that people find confidence sexier than a perfect waist or a thigh gap. I no longer compare myself to what society says a woman should look like, because women are beautiful no matter their shape or size. We are imperfectly perfect just as we are.


About the Creator

Carmen Marshall

I'm carmen! I'm just a girl trying to make something of myself in this crazy world. I love using my writing to relate to people and to let others know that they're not alone! If I can help just one person I'm doing something right!

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